News - Once upon a time... the industry

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Once upon a time... the industry

3 April 1872: Morse, a dashing inventor

This week, we tell you about the life and work of a man who marked the history of telecommunications and industry, and who died 150 years ago this week at the age of 80.    AN ACCOMPLISHED ARTIST Samuel Morse was born on the 27th of April 1791 in Charlestown, near Boston, into a family of intellectuals. His father Jedidiah, in fact, is also considered to be the father of American geography. A brilliant student, the young man entered and graduated from the prestigious Yale University.

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Once upon a time... the industry

19 March 1742: the eccentric Marquis of Bacqueville, the flying man

This week, let’s look at the story of a colorful character who has the particularity of being the very first French bird-man.   REVERIES OF THE SOLITARY GLIDER Jean-François Boyvin de Bonnetot was born in 1688 in Bacqueville-en-Caux, the place from which he took his title as a marquis. Much more than for this title, however, this General Officer, First President of the Chamber of Accounts, quickly distinguished himself for his decidedly fanciful attitude and ambitions… He

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Once upon a time... the industry

23 February 1440: Gutenberg and the printing press

This week we turn our attention to a major invention which was revolutionary in many ways… and to its eventful birth.   A MAN OF LETTERS Actually christened Johannes Gensfleisch, our hero took the name under which he was to go down in history from the sign on his parents’ house in Mainz where he was born around 1400: “Zu Guten Bergen”, which means “To the good mountain” in German. His father was a wealthy goldsmith who also held the prestigious position

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Once upon a time... the industry

15 February 1954: the Odyssey of the bathyscaphe

This week, let’s do a deep dive on the exploits of two Frenchmen who pulled off the feat of descending to a depth of more than 4,000 meters in a strange device…   THE BATHYSCAPHE: THE CALCULUS AFFAIR  A slender, eccentric inventor and adventurer with an oblong head adorned with a pair of small round glasses, a frill of frizzy hair and a dark-brown moustache, does that remind you of something? Yes indeed: in addition to being the grandfather of the famous balloonist

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Once upon a time... the industry

12 February 1914: the bra goddess

This week, we tell you the remarkable story of a conspicuous figure in industry in general and the clothes industry in particular.   A PROMINENT ENTRY INTO THE BOSOM OF THE ELITE Mary Phelps Jacob was a pure product of New York high society who, in spite of – or because of – her strict education, liked to amuse herself and defy convention… The young woman had just turned 18 one fine evening in 1910 when she was getting ready to attend one of the city’s famous

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Once upon a time... the industry

24 January 1984: Apple launches the first Macintosh

This week we look back on the birth of a brand which was to make history.   A DIFFERENT KIND OF APPLE A story of men… and apples. It all began with the legendary Apple company, created on the 1st of April 1976, in the garage of his childhood home in Los Altos, California, by a certain Steve Jobs in company with his two friends Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. By the following year, the three buddies had struck it rich with the triumphant launch of the Apple II, the world’s

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Once upon a time... the industry

20 January 1884: roller coasters, a diabolical invention

Since industry is one big adventure playground, let’s look back on the birth of an invention which continues to delight young and old alike today but which was first created to… fight against Satan! This week Global Industrie takes you for a ride on a roller coaster…   SLIPPERY SLOPES The history of what the French call montagnes russes began logically enough… in Russia, and more precisely in Saint-Petersburg. It was there, in the 16th century, that what the

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Once upon a time... the industry

14 January 1973: Elvis Presley revolutionizes… the telecom industry

This week, let’s look back on a legendary event – literally and figuratively - both for the music world and for the world of industry: the first satellite broadcast of a concert, given by the King himself!   TRADING PLACES The official birth of satellite television took place just over ten years before our story. On the 10th of July 1962, a satellite called Telstar was launched from the Cape Canaveral base. It had barely had time to be placed in orbit when the following

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Once upon a time... the industry

4 January 1863: conquering the world on roller skates

159 years ago this week, an American called James Plimpton patented an ideal invention for getting back in shape after the Christmas festivities which was to brighten the lives of several generations of young and not-so-young people. He deserved an article!   ROLLERBOY Although James Leonard Plimpton, born in Medfield, Massachusetts on the 14th of April 1828, spent his childhood in an agricultural environment, he nevertheless had such a passion for mechanics that he fitted out a workshop
