GI 360°Virtual discovery of a factory of the future to inspire your investment projects

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Experience current events and the future of industry…. with a 360° view

Focus on the skills for the fifth edition of GI 360, online the 25th of January.

Following programs on reshoring, 5G, circular industry and hydrogen, this new
broadcast discuss skills, which are at the center of today’s concerns in a favorable context for recovery and reshoring.


01. An economic overview of the industrial sector

By Alexandre Saubot, President of France Industrie, who detail the very latest figures for French industry, take stock of 2021 and discuss the prospects for 2022.

02. A big debate on skills

“There will be no Industry 2030 without skills”, declared the French President last November.
This debate analyze the skills industry is looking for. 

How can we compensate for the lack of qualified workers? What will their jobs be tomorrow? How can we reform practices and how is the education system preparing for this revolution driven by new technologies and particularly the impact of digital technology?



Stéphanie LAGALLE-BARANES - Director of OPCO 2i.
Marième DIAGNE - Project Manager at France Stratégie / Prime Minister’s Office.
Federico BERERA - Chief Inspector of Education, Sport and Research, Dean of the Industrial Science and Technology Group.

03. A 360° tour of the ABCM factory

Landry Maillet, the company’s CEO, show you behind the scenes at this industrial machining plant in Vendée which was voted the Factory of the Year and awarded the Vitrine Industrie du Futur (Industry of the Future Showcase) label.

GI 360... KESAKO?

A big debate

for technological and economic watch, bringing together specialists and based on feedback

A quarterly economic review

of French industry to help to anticipate future investments

A 360° immersion in a company

which is both dynamic and future-oriented, to plan production modernization projects, gain in competitiveness and identify future partners.

Find now the replay of the last editions

  > February 9