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A highly topical
industrial theme

While the environmental issue has been at the forefront of political, societal and industrial concerns and actions for a number of years, the Covid 19 crisis also highlighted France’s excessive dependency on foreign countries in areas of production which are central or even vital for the country. This has led to an awareness of the urgent need to implement a new competitive model in order not only to fill these gaps but also to reinforce the new impetus of French industry associated with the digitalization of its production. .

This theme has naturally been taken up in the current presidential election campaign. All candidates are in agreement on the need to relaunch the industrial sector, and seek to refocus debate on major themes such as the environment, cyber security, territorial issues, the digital transformation and issues relating to people: organization, management, corporate social responsibility, employment and training.

The only French event representing all sectors of industry, its ecosystem, its value chain and its user markets, Global Industrie is doing its bit by placing this need for responsible reindustrialization at the heart of its 2022 edition.

A dedicated activity

This theme will thus have its own dedicated activity at the entrance to Hall 6. Visitors will be invited to position themselves on industry’s four main transformation challenges, which concern:

The conference program entirely devoted to this theme

Responsible reindustrialization will be discussed in the two big conference rooms located at the heart of the Smart Industry section by way of round tables, keynote addresses and master classes emphasizing feedback on six main aspects!

1. Reindustrialization

“What products are conducive to reshoring or location in France?”, “Europe and the industry of the future: a common vision, a varied reality”, “Diversification: agile organization and methods to support your transformation”, etc.

2. Regions

“Restoring industry’s image: a pious wish or an ongoing process?”, “How can we strengthen the economy of our regions and halt their decline?”, “Becoming a collaborative industry and assisting the country’s regions”, etc.

3. Responsibility

“Towards responsible Design", “The Public Climate Bank: what are the aims?”, “Energy, the big challenge of the industry of the future”, etc.

4. Competitiveness

“Economy: French competitiveness in question(s)”, “The circular economy, a challenge for today and tomorrow”, etc.

5. Technologies

“The digital twin, a weapon of mass industrialization”, “3D printing: the big industrial challenge”, “Industry of the future: successfully implementing predictive maintenance”, “Collaborative robotics, how can people optimize their choices?”, etc.

6. Skills

“Training of the future and the future of training”, “Recruiting effectively in industry, a brief guide”, etc.