GAS ANALYSISOrganised from its origin in the Netherlands, the international event GAS Analysis Symposium & Exhibition continues its improvement under a new organisation: the Collège Français de Métrologie (CFM) organized its 11th edition from May 17 to 20, 2022 in Paris in partnership with Measurement World and Global Industrie.

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GAS Analysis is a benchmark symposium of nearly 300 participants. Over the years, it has positioned itself as the world symposium for gas analysis by covering themes responding to global challenges.

Seen as the best forum for discussing the latest cutting-edge advances and applications in the industry, it attracts many stakeholders in the sector: experts, policy makers, technical managers, research laboratories, manufacturers and end-users.

A programme dedicated to Green Industry

Its programme consists of oral and poster presentations, short courses, an exhibition as well as social networking events. On this occasion, the latest advances in gas metrology, energy transition, hydrogen, industrial innovations, climate and air quality will be addressed. Other elements at the rendez-vous: measurement systems, validation and uncertainties, emission and contamination control, accreditation and risk assessment...

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An international GAS Analysis exhibition, with benefits

To ensure greater proximity between all GAS Analysis participants, GAS Analysis exhibitors will be brought together and will benefit from a central position in the Measurement World/Global Industrie exhibition where they will be able to meet the Symposium participants.